TRIBUTE: Priscilla Cavella Allan
1971 to 2021
In the words of the Michael Jackson classic:
“Like A Comet, blazing ‘Cross the Evening Sky
Like A Rainbow, Fading in The Twinkling of An
Eye, Shiny and Sparkly and Splendidly Bright
Here One Day, Gone One Night
“Like the Loss of Sunlight, On A Cloudy
Afternoon, Gone Too Soon
“Like A Castle, Built Upon a Sandy Beach
Like A Perfect Flower, that Is Just Beyond Your
Reach, Born to Amuse, To Inspire, To Delight
Here One Day, Gone One Night
“Like A Sunset, dying With the Rising of The
Moon, Gone Too Soon
Priscilla Cavella Allan, my beloved and faithful
sister and friend from Parham Town left us in the
early morning of Wednesday, February 17", 2021.
She crossed the bridge… there is no more sorrow…
She crossed the bridge… there is no more pain…
Her sun is shining across the river… and she will
never be unhappy again.
Born on Saturday 30th October 1971 at the
Holberton Hospital, St. John’s, Antigua, she was the
daughter of Ms. Glendora Martin of Parham Town
and Mr. Hezekiah Allan who now resides in the
United States of America. She was the sister of
Junella Allan and the mother of two caring sons -
Cleveland Browne and Priston Browne, both of
Parham Town.
Priscilla attended the Seventh Day Adventist school
at the age of six (6) years old. She was then removed
and was sent to the Parham Primary School. Whilst
in secondary school, instead of doing CXC as we
know it today, she did Home Economics classes and
studied cooking, cleaning, sewing, and baking in
which she excelled.
She taught at the Sir Luther Winter Preschool for a
short period of time due to the shortage of children.
However, we are proud to say that one of the
students she taught is now a doctor of our own
community and he is none other than Dr. Weston.
God be praised.
Her life was a spiritual practice… a human
experiment designed to glorify the power and
majesty of the living Lord. An angel of mercy, a
daughter of light, a sister valiant for truth… a
messenger of the word, a keeper of souls, a teacher,
a friend.
She was a quintessential woman of faith, who firmly
believed that values matter and standards count
She was a member of the Parham Seventh Day
Adventist Church and served in the capacity of
Sabbath School Superintendent on various occasions
being the head at times. A songbird in her own
right, we still hear her as head Chorister delightfully
raising her lovely voice in those timeless hymns of
praise and thanksgiving…
She loved the Lord her God with all her heart with
all her strength… She loved her church fervently.
She loved and adored her children. She was totally
dedicated to the well-being of her family. A
hardworking, very dependable and well-loved
employee of the Central Board of Health for over 30
years, her exemplary humanity shone brightest in the
love and care she extended to the less fortunate, the
underprivileged, the poor, and the downtrodden
who were always welcome in her home. Priscilla
had a very good relationship with her fellow co-
workers at her workplace. They visited her often at
her home and, when it was possible, at the hospital
as well.
Priscilla was a genuine lover of life… and life loved
her back.
And so, we recognize and thank the many caring
parts of the human heart that God bestowed on
Priscilla through the marvelous gifts of extended
family and friendship in their purest forms… her
caretaker in the final days… the friends who
decorated her life, who loved her… who called from
near and far… who stood for her and with her until
the very end.
In Pricilla’s honour, I stand as well with millions of
people around the world who know the challenge of
adversity and the joy of finding unity in diversity;
those who know the character-building blessings of
raising children in the most unforgiving social,
economic and political circumstances; those who
rejoice in the responsibility of training children in
the way they should grow so that when they get old,
they will not depart from those ways…
At home, she was always a quiet and reserved type
of person, studied much but lacked little and was
very secretive.
She was an ever-flowing well-spring of kind words,
encouragement and good advice. Hers was a life of
dignity that knew not greed; that knew not
selfishness… She did unto others as she would have
them do unto her… she traded places… she walked
countless miles in the shoes of others… she
empathized… she harbored no malice, no desire for
revenge even in the face of wrongs visited against
Remarkably, over the years, her friendships grew not
because she compromised the truth. On the contrary,
she earned respect and admiration for sincerely and
lovingly calling it as she saw it for the betterment of
one and all and the advancement of our civility. Her
way was God’s way… and though being human she
occasionally stumbled and fell she never missed an
Opportunity to bring her wonderful gift of human
kindness to the cause that needed assistance, to the
future in the distance and the good that she could do.
As a patriot at heart, she lived a pledge that never
ceased… She wanted a kinder, gentler world… a
peaceful world…
We gather today from all walks of life, from
different religious denominations and _ different
political persuasions… from the varied stations of
our many professions… those of us, who understand
and appreciate the simple yet compelling legacy of
Priscilla Allan… We join hearts in tribute so that
this gathering in her memory is not just another
footnote on the pages of family history but a beacon
unto the struggle of ordinary people everywhere for
eternal salvation.
A beautiful lady! A bright, lovely soul!
She has found fulfillment in the accomplishment of
her earthly flight; she rejoices in the embrace of her
heavenly father’s grace… And she sings with me
those immortal words at we were taught to pray:
Priscilla Cavella Allan — October 30th, 1971 to
February 17th, 2021… An inspiration to be the best
God-fearing member of the human family I could be
A quintessential woman of faith, gone too soon…
May her soul rest in eternal peace as she holds a
place in Heaven with her Lord and Saviour, Jesus
Christ. Her soul is at ease, at rest, at peace in
comfort and happiness.